Saturday 15 June 2013

Birthdays shared and delighting in the Sun of Gemini

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Hello! I've been a naughty little Gemini and actually committed something a Gemini wouldn't normally do- be anti social and tuck themselves away from the world. But for good reason, as I am also a very easily distracted Gemini and have been busily working on a project that has been long playing on my mind and needs to be birthed quick smart! More on that soon, I do plan on sharing soon with all you lovely people. I must say you are patient bunch with my erratic postings and I thank you so for it.

Something else that has happened is that I turned the calendar wheel over on the 1st of June to another year older- and happy to say wiser on many many things! Phew! There are perks to older age! But even more thrilled to hear compliments that I don't look a day over 20! Hush now! I still feel like an eternal teenager in my mind with the greatest joys being listening to 80's music and pretending I am in a video clip with bright outfits and big hair and bad dancing! Ah, if I can turn back time! 

But I'm digressing- as usual. But, in turning back time, I thought I would spend some time celebrating some fellow Gemini's that I admire and those born on my birthday the 1st of June. Perhaps the most famous of all is Marilyn Monroe, and nothing is more self indulgent than reading biographies on your fellow birthday recipients and hearing about similar quirks or personality traits. Marilyn certainly has hers. Enough said. Ahem! I highly recommend you do a little google search and see who shares your birthday, it's totally fun and you will never look at those people in the same way again now that you know their secret! 
My June 1st list includes: Morgan Freeman, Andy Griffith, Heidi Klum, Pat Boone, Ronnie Wood, Alanis Morissette, Jason Donovan and a new one I just found out- infamous Australian outlaw Ned Kelly!! Not sure I'm meant to be proud of that one!
Any of my readers out there a fellow Gemini? If so, a very happy birth month to you! Hope you share it with a great list of people! Might have to do a special post on famous Gemini musicians that I love! There's quite a few!

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